Block and Unblock Debit Card

How To Block Debit Card: A Step-By-Step Guide

Keeping the debit card safe and secure is important to keep the savings account from being hacked. But there is always a chance that a Debit card will be stolen or poorly used. If a cardholder thinks their card might be used without permission, they should get it blocked.

Several banks have made it easy and quick to block a Debit card by streamlining their processes, so stopping it takes little or no time. But to do so, you need to know how to block a debit card. This article explains debit card blocking and unblocking.

Why might one block a debit card?

There are many reasons to block a debit card. Here are the reasons:

Unauthorised transactions

When someone takes money from your account without your permission, this is called an "unauthorised transaction." There can be many unauthorised transactions like:


Using a computer to steal information from a Debit card to make a perfect copy of it and make illegal transactions from the victim's account.


Installing a small "shimming device" on the machine that gets information from the Debit card's magnetic strip.


Debit card cloning is also a form of phishing. Fraudsters who use cloning usually target older people who aren't as smart and careful about scams and frauds.


Putting in a mechanism that causes a Debit card to get jammed in the slot. While the victim asks for assistance retrieving the card, the con artist snatches it.

Keyboard jamming

Fraudsters stop important buttons on ATMs, like "Enter" and "Cancel," so the victim can't make a transaction. Scammers take the card when the person being scammed goes to get help.

Lost or stolen debit card

Here's what you should do when you realise your bank card is missing:

  • Look at past transactions: This will help you find purchases without your permission.
  • Call your bank immediately: Most banks offer customer service around the clock.
  • Ask the bank to put the card on hold: If you think it was lost instead of stolen, you can ask the bank to put it on hold until you find it or make sure it's gone for good.
  • Cancel the card and ask for a new one: If you think your card has been stolen, ask to have it blocked immediately and ask for a new one. Some banks let you do this right through their app.

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How do you block debit cards?

If you are wondering how to block a Kotak debit card, here are a few ways.

Using mobile banking apps

One frequently asks how to block ATM cards. Most banks have apps that let customers block their Debit Cards from their phones. So, every user needs to ensure the mobile banking app is on their phone.

Contacting your bank's customer service

A number that is free to call is on the back of a debit card. The account user should call that number on their cell phone when they want to block a debit card. Get the debit card and account numbers ready before you do that because you'll need them to block the card.

You can also contact your bank's customer service if your Kotak811 virtual debit card is not showing.

Online banking

Go to the bank's website and sign in to the online banking area. After logging in to the bank's online banking site, the cardholder should look for the "block debit card" option and follow the steps given by the bank. Follow the steps there to get the Debit card put on the list.

Temporary vs Permanent card blocks

When your card is temporarily blocked, nothing can be done with it. Your card name and other information are kept, making it easy to return. If you need clarification on whether you've lost your card, you should temporarily block it.

Whereas with a permanent block, your card information is erased. This means you can never use the card number or details again, online or in a shop. This can't be turned back. You should only do this if you're sure you've lost your card.

How do you unblock your debit card?

  • If you want to reverse a temporary block, you can get your debit card unblocked by sending in a written request. If the cardholder blocks the card accidentally or intentionally, they must send a written request to the nearest bank office. This must be sent with proof of who the cardholder is so the card can be activated.
  • If you want to reverse a permanent block, there is no way to undo it. You should only do this if you're sure you've lost your card.

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What do you do after unblocking?

Two-factor Authentication, when you can sign up for two-factor verification this will add an extra step to logging in to your account and using your bank card. For every online debit card purchase, banks must send an OTP. When you open an account, you should register your phone number and email address so that only you can receive the OTP when you use your bank card.

Don't tell anyone your OTP

The bank sends an OTP to verify the transaction when a debit card purchase is made online. If you get an OTP for a transaction you didn't do, don't give it to anyone else and call the bank immediately to let them know what happened.

Bank alerts should be turned on

You can set up your bank account to send you alert messages so that you know immediately when a transaction is handled. In case of theft, tell the bank immediately and put your debit card on a "hot list."

Key takeaways

Now you know how to block a debit card. Be careful about hacking scams, and always be on the lookout when using your debit card online or in person. You should know that you don't have to give out all of your information online, and you should be smart when giving out your debit card information online. Be careful to avoid any risks from a debit card data hack.
