SIP vs RD: Which Is A Better Investment Option?

When looking out for the best investment options, people may get confused between RD or SIP. Recurring Deposits (RD) are a monthly savings system which is accumulated every month in a bank account, promising principal plus interest upon maturity.

On the other hand, Systematic Investment Plans (SIP) involve mutual fund investments, ranging from equity to debt or a mix.

However, how to choose between the two depends upon understanding the difference between SIP and RD.

This blog will help you make a clear stand on is RD better than SIP and help you make smart financial decisions when it comes to choosing the best investment option.

What is SIP?

SIP operates similarly to RD but with investments directed towards mutual fund schemes rather than traditional bank deposits. The investment frequency spans monthly to annually, starting at a minimum of Rs 500. It comes with higher risk tolerance, exposure to equities, debt, or a combination, aligning with specific financial goals.

Key benefits of SIPs

1. Liquidity: SIPs offer liquidity, allowing redemption at any time. Certain funds may even permit exit without load, particularly overnight funds.

2. Flexibility: Investors enjoy flexibility in investment horizons, amounts, and redemption. Contributions can be made daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually, with the ability to adjust amounts for convenience. Partial redemptions are possible, though an exit load applies within a year of purchase.

3. Higher Returns: Diversified investments across sectors enhance the potential for better returns. The systematic growth facilitated by the power of compounding transforms modest monthly investments into a substantial sum over the tenure.

4. Tax Breaks: SIPs, particularly Equity Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS), offer potential tax benefits, adding a financial advantage for investors.

5. Market Timing: SIPs eliminate the need to time the market correctly, providing exposure to equity markets while mitigating volatility. The incremental investment approach lowers risk compared to lump-sum mutual fund investments, enhancing the probability of favourable returns.

SIPs provide a strategic and adaptable investment avenue, combining the perks of liquidity, flexibility, potential for higher returns, tax advantages, and a market-timing buffer. 

What is RD?

Recurring Deposits (RDs) are a structured investment option where individuals invest a fixed amount monthly for a predetermined tenure, ranging from six months to 10 years. Post office RDs accept minimum deposits as low as Rs.10, while banks generally have a limit of Rs.100.

Must Read: What Is Recurring Deposit Account (RD) & How It Works?

Key benefits of RDs

1. Guaranteed Returns: RDs offer a fixed return throughout the deposit tenure, with the interest rate determined at the time of investment. It ensures a predictable and stable return, making RDs a low-risk investment.

2. Flexible Time Horizon: With durations spanning six months to a decade, RDs cater to various timeframes. The fixed interest rate assures investors of consistent returns, accommodating short-term and long-term investment goals.

3. Ease of Investment: RDs are easily accessible to anyone with a bank account, simplifying the investment process. Some banks even permit online standing instructions for direct deposits, enhancing convenience.

4. Senior Citizen Benefit: RDs extend additional benefits to senior citizens by offering higher interest rates than other investors. This feature allows seniors to enhance annual returns through their investment in RDs.

RD vs SIP - Understanding the differences


Recurring Deposit

Systematic Investment Plan

Nature of Investment

Fixed monthly deposit with predetermined tenure

Periodic investment in mutual fund schemes

Risk Level


Moderate to High, depending on the fund choice


Guaranteed returns at a fixed interest rate

Market-linked returns, subject to market fluctuations


Limited flexibility in changing deposit amount or tenure

High flexibility to adjust investment amount and frequency


Low liquidity; premature withdrawals may incur penalties

High liquidity; allows redemptions at any time

Tax Implications

Interest earned is taxable

Tax implications based on the type of mutual fund and holding period

Minimum Investment

Nominal, starting from Rs10 in post office RDs

Varies by mutual fund; can start with small amounts


Ideal for risk-averse investors seeking stable returns

Suited for investors comfortable with market fluctuations and seeking growth potential

Must Read: SIP vs Lump Sum: Which is Better for Investing?

How to Choose Between RD and SIP?

Are you confused about choosing RD or SIP? Here’s a simple breakdown between the two: 

Recurring Deposits (RDs)

  • Suited for risk-averse investors seeking assured returns
  • Ideal for short-term and long-term financial goals
  • Assured returns with fixed interest rates
  • Helps build emergency funds due to regular contribution
  • Returns on RDs are taxable, making them suitable for lower tax bracket
  • Particularly beneficial for senior citizens due to safety and predictable returns

Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs)

  • Better for investors comfortable with market risks
  • Ideal for long-term financial goals and extended investment horizons 
  • Provides potential for higher returns over the long term 
  • Suitable for investors seeking tax benefits, especially with ELSS SIPs 
  • Involves periodic investments in mutual fund schemes 
  • Returns are market-linked, offering opportunities for wealth creation


When deciding between RDs and SIPs, carefully evaluate your income bracket, risk tolerance, investment horizon, and financial goals. SIP investments offer potential benefits if you are comfortable with higher risk and have a more extended commitment period.

Diversifying your portfolio with debt funds is a viable option for those inclined to minimise risk, albeit with a slightly elevated risk. As you explore these investment options, consider opening a new savings account savings account to streamline your financial transactions and access additional benefits. Kotak 811 zero balance digital savings account can help you earn up to 7% interest on your deposits.
