811 Super Fees and Charges

View detailed Fees and Charges for 811 Super


Particulars811 Super
Super Enrollment Fees₹300/yr
Average Monthly Balance (AMB)0
Replacement of Lost Debit Card₹299 (Inclusive of all taxes)

25 Cheque leaves free/Yr.
There after 3/cheque leaf
(Min 25 leaves in one cheque book)
Branch Transactions4 FREE (Up to ₹2 lakhs monthly)
Home BankingAvailable @ ₹150/visit
ATM Withdrawals10 FREE Transactions (Kotak Bank ATM)
5 FREE monthly (Other Domestic ATMs*)


*Financial transaction at ATM will include Cash withdrawal, Non-Financial transaction will include balance enquiry, PIN change, Mini statement request. Maximum of 5 transactions @ nil charges (incl. financial & non financial) in a month with a cap of maximum 3 transactions (incl. financial & non-financial) @nil charges in top 6 cities (Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Bengaluru and Hyderabad), thereafter Financial Transaction - 21/- Transaction and Non- Financial Transaction .8.50/- transaction.